How to Setup System Configuration in Magento2

Setting up system configuration in Magento 2 involves configuring various settings that control the behavior and functionality of your Magento store. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up system configuration in Magento 2:

  1. Access the Admin Panel: Log in to your Magento 2 Admin Panel using your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to Configuration: Once logged in, navigate to Stores > Configuration. This will take you to the configuration settings page.
  3. Scope Selection: At the top left corner of the configuration page, you’ll see a scope selector. Choose the store view or website for which you want to configure settings. If you want the configuration to apply globally, select “Default Config”.
  4. General Configuration Settings: Under the General tab, you’ll find various configuration sections such as General, General Design, and Content Management. Configure settings related to store information, default currency, design themes, and content options.
  5. Catalog Configuration Settings: Navigate to Catalog tab to configure settings related to product options, inventory management, and catalog search. Configure options such as product attributes, layered navigation, and price display settings.
  6. Sales Configuration Settings: Under the Sales tab, configure settings related to orders, invoices, shipping methods, payment methods, and taxes. Adjust options such as order management, shipping origins, and tax calculation settings.
  7. Customer Configuration Settings: Navigate to Customers tab to configure settings related to customer accounts, address options, and customer communication. Customize options such as account registration, password management, and email templates.
  8. Advanced Configuration Settings: Under the Advanced tab, you’ll find additional configuration sections such as Advanced Reporting, Developer, and Admin. Configure settings related to advanced reporting, developer mode, and admin user permissions.
  9. Save Configuration Changes: After making changes to the configuration settings, click on the “Save Config” button at the top right corner of the page to save your changes.
  10. Cache Management: After saving the configuration changes, it’s recommended to flush the cache to ensure that the changes take effect. Navigate to System > Cache Management and flush the cache storage.
  11. Index Management: Additionally, you may need to reindex the Magento indexes to apply any changes that affect the index tables. Navigate to System > Index Management and reindex the necessary indexes.
  12. Verify Configuration: Finally, verify that the configuration changes have been applied correctly by testing the functionality of your Magento store.

By following these steps, you can set up system configuration in Magento 2 and customize the settings to meet the specific requirements of your online store.